Rosso Grande Eccellente - Italy - En Primeur (Platinum)


A delectable bouquet of sweet ripe berries, spices, and farm cherries, and firmly structured tannins. This assertive wine is bold in all aspects.

14.3% Alcohol

Medium Oak

Full Body


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8 Weeks

Fermenting your wine on GenuWine Winery Crushed Grape Skins will enhance the bouquet and contribute soft velvety tannins for a round, juicy mouthfeel.

Food Pairings

Serve with pasta and rich tomato sauce or beef pot roast.

Malbec - Chile - En Primeur (Platinum)
Merlot - Chile - En Primeur Winery Series (Platinum)
Amarone Style - Italy - En Primeur (Platinum)
Winemaker’s Trio Red - En Primeur (Platinum)
Zinfandel - Italy - En Primeur (Platinum)